MCA Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Question Bank Software CD for MCA entrance examination - preparing students. Containing more than 11,500 questions with answers. The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, which includes, previous year questions. Answers with Explanatory Steps. Topics Covered --» Verbal Ability or Proficiency in English --» Reading Comprehension --» Mathematics & Quantitative Aptitude --» DATA INTERPRETATION --» Test of Reasoning [Analogies, Classification, Figure Matrices, Series] and --» General Knowledge and Current Affairs --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently. Note: To Purchase MCA Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India Price Inside India Rs.500/-Only Note: To Purchase MCA Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1500/- INR For More Details MCA Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Medical Education Department
Post Graduate Degree / Diploma - 5 years M.Ch. (Neuro Surgery)
- MDS Courses
- M.D
- M.S
- Diploma Courses
Sl.No | Date | Forenoon Session | After Noon Session |
10.00 A.M | 11.30 A.M | 2.00 P.M | 3.30 P.M | 1 | 02.04.2007 Monday | Physically Challenged Candidates upto Marks 40.00 | Rank 1 to 50 76.11 to 69.72 | Rank 51 to 151 67.98 to 66.91 | Rank 101 to 151 67.98 to 66.91 | 2 | 03.04.2007 Tuesday | 152 to 300 66.88 to 64.46 | Rank 227 to 300 62.5 to 64.46 | Rank 301 to 375 64.45 to 63.55 | Rank 376 to 450 63.54 to 62.58 | 3 | 04.04.2007 Wednesday | Rank 451 to 525 62.57 to 61.65 | Rank 526 to 6000 61.84 to 61.03 | Rank 601 to 673 61.02 to 60.41 | Rank 674 to 750 60.40 to 59.62 |
For More Details Medical Education Department
Indian Institute of Technology - IIT inks MoU with Autodesk Inc
Chennai: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Madras) and the US-based Autodesk Inc, a design software and digital solutions, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), to established a Centre of Excellence for Innovative Design and Research in Chennai on Tuesday. Krishniah, Dean, Academic Research, IIT-M, and Rajiv Nair, regional rector, Autodesk India, signed the MoU, in the presence of IIT Madras Director M S Ananth and Paul Mailhot, senior director of Autodesk’s worldwide education. Speaking on the occasion, Ananth said that the IIT Madras had entered into Madras had entered into collaboration with various industrial houses and described the new Centre of Excellence as a “welcome initiative” for the students of IIT. For More Details Indian Institute of Technology - IIT inks MoU with Autodesk Inc
Indian Council of Medical Research
Test for ICMR’s Junior Research Fellowship ICMR in collaboration with PGIMER Chandigarh will hold national level examination for award of Junior Research fellowship (JRF) in Life Science / Social Science stream on Sunday July 15th 2007 at Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai. For More Details Indian Council of Medical Research
ICAI Signs Pact with Indira Gandhi National Open University
Coimbatore: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has signed a memorandun of understanding (Mou) with the Indira Gandhi National Open University (ignou) to conduct specialised courses for Chartered Accountancy students. Jaydeep narendra Shah, Member of the central Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, told reporters here on Sunday that exemptions would be granted in different subjects to the students of the Institute. Courses in June: “A CA student joining graduation course under the university need to pass only in six papers out of the 21,” he said. Ignou was likely to commence the courses from this June. This was to encourage CA students who wanted to pursue their graduation, but their work timing clashed with the colleges. The specialized B.Com courses would be in accounting and finance and M.Com courses in finance and taxation. Also, as per the MoU, an article trainee could join B.Com with ignou by paying Rs.4, 000 and could appear for the B.Com examinations after completing one year of articleship. The student would get around 70 per cent credit in various subjects and would be required to appear for six subjects. For More Details ICAI Signs Pact with Indira Gandhi National Open University
Chartered Accountancy Course comes closer to Plus 2 Students
Coimbatore: Now the Plus 2 students can opt for Chartered Accountancy (CA) course by clearing the single Common Proficiency Test (CPT). “Earlier, the Plus 2 students had to pass two proficiency exams to get selected for the course. Under the new system, which came into effect recently, they can clear it in just one CPT,” said G Ramaswamy, Central Council Member of The Institute of Charted Accountants of India, which offers the course, in a press conference here today. He said that even those students who had completed 10th standard could register for the CA course. Study to them and they could write the CPT after completing Plus 2. After the completion of CPT, students would undergo a three-and-a-half-year article ship with a practicing charted accountant. Indicating a bright future for CAs, Ramaswamy said. “While the corporates in our country needs around 1.5 lakh CAs, there will be need for 3 lakh CAs across the world in the next five years”. Their salaries would range from Rs.5 lakh to Rs.24 lakh a year. In some cases, it could be go up to Rs.38 lakh, he added. For More Details Chartered Accountancy Course comes closer to Plus 2 Students
Bharathiar University to offer IAS, IPS Exam Coaching
Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry to start centre Erode: An IAS and IPS examination coaching centre would be started in Bharathiar University soon by the Union Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, said Union Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Subbulakshmi Jagadeesan. Inaugurating a 90 day training programme for women in dress designing, embroidery and beauty care at Kongu Arts and Science College, Nanjanaupuram, on Saturday, Ms. Jegadeesan said a proposal Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation, a wing of her ministry, has granted funds to provide training to unemployed women in various trades. She said the Corporation had granted Rs.1,150 crore to eight lakh families in the country for the families in the country for training programme. Of this Rs.81.69 crore has been granted for the current year to provide various training to two lakh women. The college would offer the training fee besides providing materials to the trainees. For More Details Bharathiar University to offer IAS, IPS Exam Coaching
Armed Forces Medical College begins Stem Cell Therapy
Pune: In a significant boost to stem cell research, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has identified five centers in the country to look at the effect of stem cells on regenerating dead cardiac muscles after an heart attack. Vice-Admiral V.K. Singh, Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS), who feels that the future human survival rests on stem cell therapy, has also announced that the Military Hospital-Cardio Thoracic Centre (MH-CTC) has now initiated the stem cell therapy on two patients with acute myocardial infraction. Even as All India Institute of Medical Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, Pioneered the treatment of heart problems using stem cells in the country, now for the first time in Pune, the Armed Forces Medical College has initiated the stem cell therapy at the MH-CTC. Stem cells can act as a repair system for the body replenishing lost or damaged specialized cells. They can be readily grown and transformed into specialized tissues such as muscles or nerves through cell culture and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the DBT are already involved in research projects in embryonic stem cells. For More Details Armed Forces Medical College begins Stem Cell Therapy
MBA Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Question Bank Software CD for MBA entrance examination - preparing students. Containing more than 11,500 questions with answers. Covering subjects: Verbal Ability or Proficiency in English, Reading Comprehension, Mathematics & Quantitative Aptitude, DATA INTERPRETATION, Test of Reasoning [Analogies, Classification, Figure Matrices, Series] and General Knowledge and Current Affairs The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, which includes, previous year questions. Answers with Explanatory Steps. Topics Covered --» Verbal Ability or Proficiency in English --» Reading Comprehension, Mathematics & Quantitative Aptitude --» DATA INTERPRETATION --» Test of Reasoning [Analogies, Classification, Figure Matrices, Series] and General Knowledge and Current Affairs --» Updated July 2006. --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently. Note: To Purchase MBA Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India Price Inside India Rs.500/-Only Note: To Purchase MBA Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1500/- INR For More Details MBA Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Indian Institute of Advanced Study
Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla – 171 005 Advertisement for the Award of Fellowship - Applications are invited for award of Fellowships for advanced research in the following areas.
a) Social, Political and Economic Philosophy. b) Comparative Indian Literature (including Ancient, Medieval, Modern Folk and Tribal), c) Comparative Studies in Philosophy and Religions d) Development of World view. e) Education, Culture, Arts including performing Arts and Crafts f) Fundamental Concepts and Problems of Logic and Mathematics g) Fundamental Concepts and Problems of Natural and Life Sciences h) Studies in Environment, Natural and Social i) Indian Civilisation in the context of Asian Neighbours and j) Problems of Contemporary India in the context of National Integration & Nation – building. The following topics may receive special attention: a) Theme of Indian Unity in diversity b) Integrality of Indian Consciousness c) Philosophy of Education in the Indian Perspective. d) Advanced Concept in Natural Sciences and their Philosophical implications. e) Indian and Asian Contribution to the Synthesis of Science and Spirituality
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National Testing Service, India
Centre for Testing and Evaluation, Central Institute of Indian Language Mysore – 570 006 Attention! Managements of Schools and Colleges (Private, Corporate, Aided and Government) Applications in the prescribed format are invited from the managements of reputed schools and colleges for designating as the Regional Field Units of the National Testing Service (NTS), India. The formation of the NTS, meant to cater to the testing requirements of the country, as prescribed by various commissions of education and subsequently envisaged in the NPE / POA / 1986, NPE RC 1990, and CABE 1992, has been initiated for the first time in India. The responsibility of implementing this virtual scheme, has been entrusted to the Centre for Testing Evaluation in view of its 2 decades of experience in producing basic reference materials and trained-manpower in various Indian languages. For More Details National Testing Service, India
UGC Members lashes out at commercialization of Education
‘Permit arts and Science colleges to start technology courses’ Coimbatore: Educationists from the ‘Colleges with Potential for Excellence’ (CPE) should raise their voice against commercialization of education, the Bill for setting up of private universities and the entry of foreign universities into the country, K.Ramamurthy naidu, member of the University Grants Commission (UGC), said here on Thursday. Addressing a two –day workshop of college principals and representatives on the theme “Review and Progression of CPE Colleges”, at the PSG College of Arts and Science, he said that the aim of the UGC was provide quality higher education through the implementation of its 80 schemes. The participants were from the 47 colleges all over India that had been given CPE status under Phase I of the scheme of the UGC under Tenth Plan in September 2004. For More Details UGC Members lashes out at commercialization of Education
Only 2 papers for Joint Entrance Examination - JEE, this year
New Delhi: In what could ease the exam blues for students taking the entrance examination to elite Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) this year, they will be required to appear for two papers and not three. The IIT has decided to restructure the joint entrance examination (JEE) to be held on April 8, and the test will now comprise two papers. Each paper will be of three hour’s duration and will consists of questions on physics, chemistry and mathematics, official sources said. Earlier, students had to appear for three papers, one each dealing with the subjects of physics, chemistry and mathematics. The papers earlier were of two hour’s duration. For More Details Only 2 papers for Joint Entrance Examination - JEE, this year
Institute of Cost and Works Accounts of India - ICWAI to implement new Syllabus soon
Will have post-qualification courses in four disciplines Coimbatore:e of Cost and Works Accounts of India (ICWAI) has framed a new syllabus and plans to implement it in six months to one year, ICWAI president Dhananjay V.Joshi and said here on Friday. “We will also have post disqualification courses in four disciplines – taxation, management, accounting and IT,” Mr.Joshi said He was speaking at the regional cost convention of the Southern India Regional Council of the Institute. As part of efforts to make its presence in the international area, the institute planned to sign arguments with Pakistan and Bangladesh. A similar agreement was already in place with Sri Lanka. The institute already had a “good relationship” with Canada and proposed to strengthen it for activities such as research and mutual recognition, he said. For More Details Institute of Cost and Works Accounts of India - ICWAI to implement new Syllabus soon
Fee waiver for UG Students in Government Colleges
hennai: In a revolutionary measure that would increase access to higher education, Finance Minister K Anbazhagan on Friday announced that undergraduate students studying in government arts and science colleges would be exempted from payment of tuition fees. Presenting the budget for 2007-08 in the State Assembly, the Minister said the measure was aimed at enabling students from the lower strata of society to pursue higher education. Following the success of the shift system introduced in 10 government colleges, the system would be implemented in all government colleges in the coming academic year. As a result, the admission capacity in government colleges would double from 30,000 to 60,000. Further 500 additional classrooms would be constructed in government colleges at a cost of Rs. 25 crore, he said. For More Details Fee waiver for UG Students in Government Colleges
National Educational Testing (Net) Bureau
UGC National Eligibility Test for Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for Lectureship – June, 2007 UGC National Eligibility Test 2007 (UGC NET 2007) Exam Date : 24-06-2007 UGC National Eligibility Test 2007 (UGC NET 2007) Application Form Closing Dtae: 30-04-2007 Last date for receipt of duly completed Application Forms at the respective Test Centres is 30-04-2007. Candidates should submit their Application Forms only to the Registrar of the University from where they wish to appear in the Test as indicated in item 10 below. The application must be strictly as per the prescribed format. APPLICATION SENT DIRECTLY TO THE UGC OFF1) The University Grants Commission announces holding of the National Eligibility Test (NET) on 24th June, 2007 (Sunday) for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) and eligibility for Lectureship in Indian universities and colleges. UGC will conduct NET in 77 (seventy seven) subjects (listed under item no. 9) at 66 (sixty six) selected University Centres (listed under Item no. 10) around the country. For More Details National Educational Testing (Net) Bureau
Law Entrance Exam Question Bank CD
Question Bank Software CD for Law Entrance Exam Preparing Students. Containing more than 7,500 questions with answers. Covering the subjects Reasoning, Legal Aptitute, Quantitative Aptitute, General Awareness, English The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, includes previous year papers and commonly asked important questions. Suitable for all LLB and Law Courses Entrance Exams in India. NLSIU, NALSAR, NUJS, Symbiosis and All Institutes and Universities Law Entrance Exams. TOPICS COVERED * Reasoning * Legal Aptitute * Quantitative Aptitute * General Awareness * English PRICE Rs.399/-Only India Note: To Purchase Outside India New Price :- Rs 1000/- INR For More Details Law Entrance Exam Question Bank CD
Tips for Students as SSLC Exam Begins Today
Coimbatore: As matriculation exams got under way and the countdown for SSLC exams began today, teachers, parents and students spoke on some useful tips to be followed at home and inside the exam hall. Regin Mary Joy, a teacher, stresses on time management. She says students should keep their eyes on their watch. For subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology, sticking to the time of crucial. Students should complete each subject in 1.15 hours to fetch good marks in these fetch good marks in these subjects. Ashwin Krishnaswamy, a Standard X student, says ‘no’ to everything except his studies and, of course, the special food and fruit juices his mother prepares for the big occasion. Though a Team India fan, he has told his parents to cut the cable connection till the exam are over. For More Details Tips for Students as SSLC Exam Begins Today
Tamil Nadu Colleges in AICTE’s Blacklist
Chennai: At least 19 in situation of higher education in Tamil Nadu are offering unapproved technical courses either on their own or in collaboration with foreign universities. These institutions, including a government organization have been luring thousands of students to enroll for various technical course, promising them the best placement offers, concealing the fact that courses are not approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). The AICTE is a statutory body constituted by the Government of India to regulate technical education in the country. On Sunday and Monday, the AICTE issued public notices across the country warning students not to enroll in courses that did not have the mandatory approval from it. For More Details Tamil Nadu Colleges in AICTE’s Blacklist
Professional Course Admission in Kerala
“Government cannot scrap the current system altogether” Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala Government proposes to overhaul the present system of admission to professional course scientifically, Parliamentary Affairs Minister M.Vijayakumar told the Assembly on Tuesday. Responding to the calling attention motion by A.P. Anil Kumar (Congress), the Minister said the Government had already constituted a committee headed by the Higher Education Secretary to go into the issue, The Government would initiates action in the matter on receipt of the committee’s report, he added. Mr. Vijayakumar pointed out that the State had gone in for the single window admission system following detection of serious irregularities in the qualifying examinations way back in 1980 and the growing popularity of courses conducted by different boards which gave marks to their students based on divergent criteria. For More Details Professional Course Admission in Kerala
Polytechnic Colleges Raise Doubts over AICTE Decision
‘Present system of admissions should not be disturbed’ Erode: The decision allowing B.Sc. graduates access engineering course through lateral entry system, it appears, has caused consternation among polytechnic colleges in the region. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE notified in January that undergraduates science graduates with Mathematics as a subject, and 60 per cent aggregate could enter into the second year (third semester) of B.E. / B.Tech programme. Ipolytechnic colleges told The Hindu that while it was a welcome move, the Council and affiliating university of the region concerned should initiate steps protecting interests of diploma students, who, at present, are the sole consumers of lateral entry seats. At present, diploma holders enjoy 10 per cent of the sanctioned strength, over and above approved intake. Principal of polytechnic college near Perundurai said the interests of the polytechnic students should be taken into account while preparing the fine print. He felt that if diploma holders and graduates were allowed complete for the same 10 per cent seats, it would disadvantage the former. And added that it would be better if separate percentage of seats were allocated to graduates. Agreeing with him, head of another Government –aided polytechnic college in Namakkal district said if the two seats of students were to compete for the same lateral entry seats, an entrance examination become mandatory, where in diploma holders were likely to be disadvantaged. He suggested that the present system of admissions for diploma students should not be disturbed. For More Details Polytechnic Colleges Raise Doubts over AICTE Decision
Law University in a Piquant Situation
Chennai: The Tamil Nadu, Dr. Ambedkar Law University, controlling the six law colleges in the State, is in a piquant situation as it does not know whether to hold common entrance test (CET) for admission of students for the year 2007-08. The uncertainly arises out of the fact that the Tamil Nadu Government’s recently passed Act abolishing CET for professional courses like medicine and engineering has not specifically include law, which is also a professional course The Law University has approached the State Government seeking a clarification in this regard and it is learnt that the university was asked to wait till March 29 and in the meantime, prepare itself for any eventuality. The Law University used to conduct the CET in the middle of May every year. The batch of writ positions filed in the Madras High Court challenging abolition of CET would come up again for hearing on March 29. For More Details Law University in a Piquant Situation
Institutions offering Unapproved Courses with foreign collaboration
Name and Address | Course |
Academy of Maritime Education & Training, Chennai MoU with South Tyneside College, UK | MBA / Engineering | AEC Business School,Chennai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia | MBA, E- Business | Canan School of Catering & Hotel Management, Chennai MoU with AHLA, USA | BA / Dip in Hotel and Restaurant Management | City School of Social and Management Sciences, Chennai MoU with University of London and London Business School. | B.Sc. Finance, Economics and Management |
For More Details Institutions offering Unapproved Courses with foreign collaboration
Central Board of Secondary Education
All India Engineering / Architecture Entrance Examination Unit Shiksha Sadan, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area (Near Bal Bhawan), New Delhi – 110 002 The particulars of all the candidates for AIEEE-2007 who have submitted their application forms for this examination have been displayed For More Details Central Board of Secondary Education
5 IITs, 2 IIMs allowed to go Slow on Quota in First Year
New Delhi: Five of the seven IITs and two of the six IIMs have been allowed to scale down the OBC quota implementation plan originally laid out by the Veerappa Moily Oversight Committee. HRD Ministry sources cited “practical reasons” given by these institutions for staggering reservations. Only two IITs-Kanpur and Roorkee – will increase seats by 18 percent and reserve 9 percent for OBCs in the coming academic year. The Moil panel had asked all IIT’s to increase the seats by 18 percent every year for three years to achieve 54 percent ex Pansion, and simultaneously reserve 9 per cent seats for OBCs every year to meet the target of 27 per cent. The country’s top engineering institute can now go easy in the first year but sources pointed out that they will have to make up for the lag in the next two year. IIT Delhi has been given the maximum leverage – it will increase seats only by 10 percent and, therefore, reserve only 5 percent for OBCs in the next academic session. For More Details 5 IITs, 2 IIMs allowed to go Slow on Quota in First Year
Mou Signed to Establish Law School
Institution to be Established in Haryana Chennai: Legal Education and Research Society (LEARS), non-profit society, signed a Memorandum of Understanding recently with Om Prakash Jindal Gramin Jan Kalyan Sansthan (O.P.J. Sansthan) to establish the Jindal Global Law School in Haryana. According to a press release, the Law School is expected to become a centre of intellectual activities in the field of legal education and research. An international advisory committee, comprising distinguished academic from leading universities of the world, lawyers and people committed to promoting excellence in education, would held it maintain high standards. For More Details Mou Signed to Establish Law School
General Studies Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Question Bank Software CD for Objective General Knowledge for Competitive examinations. Containing more than 9,000 questions with answers. Suitable for: Civil Service Exam - IAS, IPS,Bank P.O., S.B.I.P.O., R.B.I Exams. Railway Recruitment Exams.N.D.A., C.D.S., I.E.S., L.I.C.A.A.O., G.I.C.A.A.O Exam, M.B.A., Hotel Management,Income Tax and Central Excise,Sub-Inspector of Police Exam, Assistant Grade, Section Officers, U.D.C and more The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, which includes, previous year questions. Answers with Explanatory Steps. Topics Covered --» Civil Service Exam - IAS, IPS --» Bank P.O., S.B.I.P.O., R.B.I Exams --» Railway Recruitment Exams. --» N.D.A., C.D.S., I.E.S., L.I.C.A.A.O., G.I.C.A.A.O Exam --» M.B.A., Hotel Management --» Income Tax and Central Excise --» Sub-Inspector of Police Exam. --» Assistant Grade, Section Officers, U.D.C and more --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently. Note: To Purchase General Studies Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India Price Inside India Rs.399/-Only Note: To Purchase General Knowledge,General Studies Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1500/- INR For More Details General Studies Entrance Exam Preparation CD
National Testing Service
Centre for Testing and Evaluation, Central Institute of India Mysore – 570 006 Preparation of Training Modules on Testing & Evaluation Invitation to interdisciplinary Scholars / Experts / Research / Teachers (both in Service & Retired) of University Departments, Research & Training Organizations, Education Council, Law Schools, Specialized Institutions such as IITs, IISc, IIITs, NITs, IIMs, TTTIs, ATIs, ISIs, NCERT, REIs, SCERTs, NCTE, IASEs, CIEFL, CHI, TIFR, ICSSR, etc. For More Details National Testing Service
National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology
Library, Pusa Complex, New Delhi – 110 012 And Indira Gandhi National Open University Re-Opening of Sale of Application Form for Joint Entrance Examination – 2007 For Admission to 1st Year of the 3-Year (B.Sc.) Programme in Hospitality and Hotel Administration Pursant to public demand, sale of Application Form for JEE-2007 for the above mentioned course is being re-opened for a limited For More Details National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology
All India Council for Technical Education
Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, I.P. Estate, New Delhi- 110 002 Phone: 011 - 2339206, 23392563 - 65, 68 For the attention of students seeking admission to technical courses offered by institutions (other than universities including deemed to be universities, IIT and IIMs) As per the AICTE Act(52) of 1987 and the Regulations laid down there under approval is mandatory for any institution offering Technical Education Programmes in Engineering & Technology, Management, Computer Applications, Architecture & Town Planning, Pharmacy, Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Applied Arts and Craft, in India with or without Foreign University Collaboration. It has come to the notice of the Council that several institutions are offering courses in the field of Technical Education without obtaining mandatory approval from AICTE. The Council has been collecting information through newspapers, websites, complaints received from students and general public and other sources, about such institutions conducting courses in the field of Technical Education without obtaining mandatory from AICTE. For More Details All India Council for Technical Education
Engineering Knowledge Test EKT CD
Question Bank Software CD for Engineering Knowledge Test [ EKT ] Preparing Students. Covering the subjects - Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication, General English, General Awareness. The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, includes previous year papers and commonly asked important questions. Suitable for All the Engineering Knowledge Test in India Topics Covered --» Civil Engineering --» Mechanical Engineering --» Electrical Engineering --» Electronics & Telecommunication --» General English --» General Awareness. Note: To Purchase EKT Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India Price Inside India Rs.299/-Only Note: To Purchase EKT Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1000/- INR For More Details Engineering Knowledge Test EKT CD
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Village Administrative Officer (VAO) Examination - 2007:
Applications in the OMR (revised) Format are invited upto 5.45 p.m. on 08-02-2007 for admission to the Written Competitive Examination (SSLC Standard) for direct recruitment to the post of Village Administrative Officer in the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service (Post Code No 2025; Examination / Service Code No 050). TNPSC Village Administrative Officer (VAO) Examination Date : 10-06-2007 [Sunday ForeNoon] TNPSC Village Administrative Officer (VAO) Scale of Pay: Rs. 3200 - 85 - 4900/- P.M. TNPSC Village Administrative Officer (VAO) Number of Vacancies: 2500 The number of vacancies that exist in each of the 29 Districts and the distribution of vacancies are furnished below:- G - General, W - Women, D - Destitute Widow For More Details Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Village Administrative Officer (VAO) Examination - 2007:
Foreign Placements losing their sheen for IIM
Many opting out of the placement rituals to start their own ventures Ahmedabad: An increasing number of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Students are preferring to work in India overcoming the fascination to go abroad or are opting out of the placement rituals to start their own ventures. The final placements of the current batch of the IIM-A two-years post graduate programme, which completed on Monday evening, saw 124 national and international companies, 14 more than last year’s 110 companies, recruiting all the 224 students in the first two days after 11 opted out of the placements or rejected offers to start their own ventures. As high as 72 per cent of the students have accepted offers to work in India, while only 63 students of the total 235 have accepted international placements –13 per cent would be in the United Kingdom and 8 per cent in the United States. In the placements last year, six students had opted out to start their own ventures. There were 11 students who rejected international offers in preference to working in India. For More Details Foreign Placements losing their sheen for IIM
Compulsory Diploma Course for College Students
New courses introduced at School of Distance Education Coimbatore: Regular and distance education students will have to take up a job-oriented diploma course during the course of their degree and that course will be offered free of cost, G.Thiruvasagam, Vice-Chancellor of Bharathiar University announced here on Tuesday. Speaking at a seminar at the university, he said that the system that would start from the academic year of 2007 would enable the students to leave the portals of the college with three certificates – degree, job-oriented diploma and appointment order (acquired at the campus interview) “The system would apply to both the regular students as well as those studying in the distance education mode. They will have to pay only the course fee for the degree. The Job-oriented or skill-oriented diploma course their choice will be offered to them free of cost. This is aimed at making them industry – ready and also giving them a chance to learn about something else other than their subject,” he said. For More Details Compulsory Diploma Course for College Students
B.Sc. Graduates can join II year Engineering
Chennai: Science graduates will be able to scale up their qualifications by taking an engineering degree. Those with a B.Sc. degree with mathematics as a subject and 60 per cent aggregate at the U.G. level can gain lateral entry into the second year or III semester of the B.E. / B.Tech course. The All India Council for Technical Education, the body responsible for providing guidelines for student admissions to technical education, recently notified the new regulations for lateral admission to engineering programmes. Till now, only students with a diploma in engineering could enter (laterally) the second year or the II semester of the four-year / eight-semester B.E. / B.Tech course. The regulations were notified in January. The colleges were informed about the development and change in regulations early this month college management sources say. For More Details B.Sc. Graduates can join II year Engineering
Railway Recruitment Board Written Test Results
Kalibari Railway Colony, P.O. Jhaljhalia, Malda - District - 732 102 West Bengal The Results of Written Examinations and results after Aptitude Tests (Cat-09 &10 only) and the date for Document Verification for the following posts have been published vide Notice No. RRB/MLDT/RN[C-09/10]/178/179/180/181/49/50/51/52/53/54/56]/07 dated 19-02-07 and for details, please see the said Notification appearing in the Employment News/Rojgar Samachar on 17-03-2007. - Assistant Station Master (Cat-09) of EN-1/2006 (Cent) : Aptitude Test held on 20/21-01-07
- Assistant Loco Pilot (Cat-10) of EN-1/2006 (Cent) : Aptitude Test held on 21-01-07
- Health & Malaria Inspector (Cat-178) of EN-2/2006 (Cent) : W/Exam held on 08-10-06
- Staff Nurse (Cat-179) of En-2/2006 (Cent) : W/Exam held on 08-10-06
- Pharmacist (Cat-180) of En-2/2006 (Cent) : W/Exam held on 08-10-06
- Chemical & Metallurgical Asst./Gr-1 (Cat-181) of En-2/2006 (Cent) : W/Exam held on 08-10-06
For More Details Railway Recruitment Board Written Test Results
New Courses at National Institute of Technology – Karnataka
The National Institute of Technology – Karnataka (NIT-K), Surathkal, will start six new courses in M.Tech, MBA and M.Sc. streams from the academic year 2007-08. One of the top engineering colleges in the country expansion of its academic programmes. The areas it has chosen include Construction Management, Rock Mechanism and Ground and Information Security. It will conduct a PG course in pure science (Chemistry), The MBA stream will open new vistas for the students. NIT- K is also one of the major centres for the Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Under this programme. NIT-K is able to take up M.Tech and Ph.D. programmes.
For More Details New Courses at National Institute of Technology – Karnataka
Net curbs at IIT
Stop surfing, get a life: students told Mumbai: Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai has from Monday restricted Internet access in its hostels, saying addiction to surfing, gaming and blogging was affecting students’ performance, making them reclusive and even suicidal. Authorities said students had stopped socializing and many were late for morning classes or slept through them. “Now, a student doesn’t even know who lives two doors away from him because he is so busy on the Internet,” said Prakash Gopalan, Dean of student affairs. “The old hostel culture of camaraderie and socializing among students is gone.” For More Details Net curbs at IIT
Meenakshi College Starts Two New Courses
After completing three decades of education activity, the Meenakshi group of institutions in Chennai is planning a major expansion focusing on improving R and D, and expanding its engineering education offerings. Explaining the group activity and management committee for Women, K.S. Lakshmi said the arts and Science College planned to introduce postgraduate programmes in bioinformatics and international studies. Since its founding in 1975 with 100 students, the college, she noted, had grown now a student strengthof 3,000 studying in 20 UG and PG programmes, besides a clutch of dedicated M.Phil scholars and associates in projects. “We are making efforts to start the two PG courses,” Dr.Lakshmi said adding that the college was already offering more than two dozen certificate course. For value-add to the degree courses. For example, she explained travel tourism, airline tickets were certificate courses offered to history students, medical lab technology for zoology students, or e-commerce and tally for B.Com. students. For More Details Meenakshi College Starts Two New Courses
Management rejects Panels recommendation in Kerala
Say SSLC and Plus Two marks will also be considered Kochi: Private medical and engineering college managements on Monday rejected the P.A. Mohammed Committee’s proposal to consider the rank in the State Common Entrance Test as the only criterion for admitting students to various professional courses this year. The Kerala Self-financing Engineering College Managements’ Association informed the committee that the admission would be conducted on the basis of the combine of the marks scored in the State entrance test and Plus Two and SSLC examinations. The association contended that this format of admission was evolved on the basis of the recommendations of the K.T. Thomas Committee for admission to professional colleges in 2004. - Managements seek more time to publish prospectus
- 25% freeship to students from backward communities
For More Details Management rejects Panels recommendation in Kerala
London College offers Degree in Indian Music
Bangalore: Trinity College of Music, London, in partnership with Bharathiya Vidhya Bhavan is offering a degree course in Indian Music, validated by the University of Westminster. The four-year course will be at the Bhavan’s Kensington campus. Announcing the launch of the course, honorary general secretary of BVB London, John Marr said, “ We were invited by the Trinity College of Music to set up a course because the passion for Indian Music in London was immense.” The College, which already offers a five-year diploma course in Indian Music, has sufficient teaching faculty to offer the new course. Renowned Indian musicians would visit the college every year to offer summer course for the diploma students and serve as external examiners for the degree course, he added. The course included both the Hindustani and the carnatic music, so that a student, while following his chosen instrumental and stylistic specialism, will be working in an environment where he will be made aware of the underlying common ethos of Indian music, Marr said. For More Details London College offers Degree in Indian Music
Image Audit launched for Educational Institutions
Chennai-based non-governmental organization Prime Point Foundation has launched Image Audit solution for educational institutions of Coimbatore region. With this, the educational institutions can now get to know their exact standing amongst key stake –holders like employees and students. Image Audit is the study of ‘hidden perception’ amongst various stakeholders. Normally, when the stakeholders are asked to give their views on the institution, they will always hesitate and not be frank. But when they are asked to give their views anonymously and in groups, they open up and express. This is the basic principle of Image Audit. K.Srinivasan, the Lead Auditor says, “While an institution regularly audits its image amongst key stakeholders. Image Audit helps to understand the perception. It is a like a ‘Master health check-up’ for a human being. In other words, it is a “Master perception check-up.” He further says, “Normally, in every educational institution the important stakeholders, including employees and students will have their perception on the management. The ‘hidden perceptions’ of the employees will help the managements to plan their strategies suitably, if found out. Image Audit provides the ‘perception study’. It is the only tool that can help the management to understand the hidden perception’ and deficiencies in the system in time and prevent any possible crisis. Image Audit also helps the management to build its brand amongst its stakeholders, by understanding the real needs”. For More Details Image Audit launched for Educational Institutions
Foreign Universities Calling Coastal Talents
‘Students here are diligent and need financial aid’ - Universities offering PG courses to students with ordinary degrees
- Good score in degree course fetches them scholarships abroad
Vijayawada: A vibrant educational hub in the coastal region, the city has become a natural choice for foreign universities to come hunting for meritorious students. Of late, more and more representatives from abroad pay visits to local campuses scouting for talent and merit. Universities in the US are no exception to this fast developing trend to tap cream among students locally. Real Strength Guilherme F.C. Albieri, associate director of international admissions, HawaiI Pacific University, US, says that students from the State are strong in subject and they are hardworking. “The students here are diligent and they need financial aid. This is where I advise them to perform well in degree course. This will make them eligible for scholarships abroad,” he adds. Mr. Albieri is currently on a visit to the city to meet students and take a look at their strengths and chances to get admission in the Pacific University back in the US. For More Details Foreign Universities Calling Coastal Talents
Apparel Export Promotion Council to Launch Three More Training Centres
Chennai: The Apparel Export Promotion Council on Monday launched its 22nd Apparel Training and Design Centre (ADTC) at Mogappair in Chennai. This is the second ADTC centre in Chennai after Guindy. AEPC plans to launch another three in and around Chennai this year and reach 50 ATDCs across the country, imparting training to 50,000 people by the end of this year. AEPC Chairman Vijay Kumar Agarwal told media persons that the centres had been set up to upgrade the technical skills of personnel employed in the readymade garment industry. The centres offered 10 to 12 training courses of three months to one year, with fees ranging from Rs. 2,500 to Rs. 30,000. AEPC also plans to start a two-year training course soon. The Mogappair centre has started with 100 trainees, with the number likely to be scaled up to 200 to 300. “Each ATDC trains manpower in pattern making and cutting techniques, production supervision and quality control techniques to enable the readymade garment industry to attain maximum productivity in the face of global competition. The Mogappair centre also offers a tailor-made, short one-month course catering to specific needs of some sections of the garment Industry,” said Agarwal. For More Details Apparel Export Promotion Council to Launch Three More Training Centres
Engineering Entrance Exam Question Bank CD BE Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Question Bank Software CD for Engineering entrance exam preparing students. Containing more than 10,000 questions with answers. Covering the subjects Physical Science [Physics and Chemistry], Mathematics [Comprehension and Analytical Ability Type Questions Included]. The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, includes previous year papers and commonly asked important questions. Suitable for All the Common Engineering Entrance Exams in India Topics Covered --» Physical Science [Physics and Chemistry] --» Mathematics --» Comprehension and Analytical Ability Type Questions Included. --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently. Note: To Purchase Engineering Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India Price Inside India Rs.499/-Only Note: To Purchase Engineering Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1000/- INR For more details Engineering Entrance Exam Question Bank CD BE Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Anna University Chennai April 2007 Examinations
Chennai – 600 025 Chennai: April 2007 University examinations for all semesters including 1 year Annual pattern for the Affiliated Colleges of Anna University for all U.G. and P.G. Courses are scheduled to commence as detailed below. Practical Examination : 09.04.2007 Theory Examinations : 09.05.2005 Detailed Time – table for Theory Examination will be published in the University web-site and will be sent to the Colleges in due courses. As far as Practical Examinations are concerned, candidates are instructed to keep in touch with the Principal of the respective College for the exact schedule. For More Details Anna University Chennai April 2007 Examinations
University Grants Commission Grant for New Course
Coimbatore: The University Grants Commission has sanctioned Commission has sanctioned Rs.35 lakh for a new M.Sc. Bioinformatics course for the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the Avinashilingam University for Women. A university release said that the grant had been received under programme of teaching ad research in interdisciplinary and emerging areas. The programme had been approved for a period of five years with a student intake of 25. For More Details University Grants Commission Grant for New Course
Students now Await Court Verdict on Common Entrance Test
Chennai: Now that the President has given assent to the Tamil Nadu Regulation of Admission in Professional Courses Bill that seeks to abolish the common entrance test, students will eagerly await the outcome of the litigation in the Madras High Court. They will look forward to the court’s ruling on whether the Act would over-rule the regulations of the Indian Medical Council Act, the Architects Act, the Dentists Act and the all India Council for Technical Education Act, all of which prescribe the conduct of an entrance examination in case students come from than one board from more than on Board. The aspirants in Tamil Nadu include those from the State Board and a much smaller number from the CBSE and the ICSE. The Medical and the All Indian Council for Technical Education have been cited as respondents in the petitions challenging the Act. The petitioners, including two students A.S.Prabhu and Madan Mohan, have the Presidential assent Article 254 (2) cannot give “an overriding power to the State law,” as the Acts under Entry 25 List III have been declared in the Constitution subject to legislative competence of the Centre. The other concern of students is in finding a way out of break a ‘tie’ (more than one student getting the same mark) for finalizing the rank list. For More Details Students now Await Court Verdict on Common Entrance Test
Learning English the BBC Way
Want to learn and know more about the English language? Ask English language experts in a website reviewed in this column English Matters And because it does, read on to understand some finer aspects of the language There are a number of websites on English learning. Some can be accessed free of cost and others require you to subscribe by paying an amount on a monthly or annual basis. In this column, I’m going to review one site I’ve found interesting, user-friendly, interactive and useful. Access to all items is free. For More Details Learning English the BBC Way
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
New Delhi Important Announcement Rescheduling of Chartered Accountants Examinations to be held in May 2007 The next Professional Education -1, Professional Education – II, Professional Competence Course (CPE), Final, Management Accountancy Course (MAC Part-1) Corporate Management Course (CMC Part-1). Tax Management Course (TMC Part-1), Insurance and Risk Management (IRM) and International Trade Laws and World Trade Organisation (IT&WTO) Examinations of the Institute scheduled to be held from 3rd May 2007 to 11th May 2007 have now been rescheduled to be held from 4th May 2007 to 12th May 2007. For More Details Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Indian Institute of Management - Lucknow too not to Disclose Placement Package Details
The policy is most likely to be adopted by the remaining IIMs – at Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Indore and Kozhikode. Lucknow: Following in the footsteps of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore, the IIM-Lucknow has decided not to disclose details of pay packages offered by corporates to its graduates passing out shortly. Authorities at the premier business school here said that the decision was taken in the “larger interest of safety and security” of the graduates. “We took the decision following much pressure from family members of students who wish to avoid public gaze,” IIM-Lucknow Director Devi Singh said on Thursday. For More Details Indian Institute of Management - Lucknow too not to Disclose Placement Package Details
CDS Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Question Bank Software CD for Combined Defence Service [ CDS ] Entrance Examination - preparing students. Containing more than 11,800 questions with answers. Covering subjects: Objective English - Comprehension, Vocabulary Test, Misspelled words, Error in Sentences, Idioms and Phrases , One word Substitution, Jumbled Words , Fill in the Blanks, Comprehension General Knowledge - History, Freedom Movements etc. , Geography, Current Events etc. General Science - Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Science. Mathematics - Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry,Mensuration, Statistics The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, which includes, previous year questions. Answers with Explanatory Steps. Topics Covered OBJECTIVE ENGLISH --» Comprehension, Vocabulary Test,Misspelled words, Error in Sentences, Idioms and Phrases , One word Substitution, Jumbled Words , Fill in the Blanks, Comprehension GENERAL KNOWLEDGE --» History, Freedom Movements etc. , Geography,Current Events etc. GENERAL SCIENCE --» Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Science. MATHEMATICS --» Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Statistics --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently. Note: To Purchase CDS Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India Price Inside India Rs.499/-Only Note: To Purchase CDS Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1500/- INR For More Details CDS Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Thiruvalluvar University
Fort Campus, Vellore – 632 004 “Applications invited from the individuals and the publishers for admission of books for B.A., B.Sc., & B.Com., B.B.A., and B.C.A. Part II English of Thiruvalluvar University, to be prescribed from the academic year 2007-2008. For More Details Thiruvalluvar University
Consortium of Medical Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK)
Admissions to Undergraduate Courses in Private, Unaided, Medical Engineering & Dental Colleges of Karnataka for the Academic Year 2007-2008 through COMEDK Under Graduate Entrance Test and Centralized Counseling. (COMEDK UGET-2007) Karnataka Private Medical and Dental Colleges Association and Karnataka Unaided Private Engineering Colleges Association have set up ‘COMEDK to conduct a ‘Common Entrance Test’ that would facilitate selection of candidates on merit for admissions to Under Graduate Courses offered by Medical, Dental and Engineering Colleges run by its members. For More Details Consortium of Medical Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK)
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Kochi-22 It is hereby informed that University has postponed the date(s) for conducting CAT-2007 to 12th May 2007 from 21st & 22nd April 2007. For More Details Cochin University of Science and Technology
BE / MBBS Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Question Bank Software CD for Engineering / Medical entrance exam-preparing students. Containing more than 14,500 questions with answers. Covering the subjects Physical Science [Physics and Chemistry], Mathematics, Biology [Botany and Zoology]. The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, includes previous year papers and commonly asked important questions. Suitable for All the Common Engineering and Medical Entrance Exams in India Topics Covered --» Physical Science [Physics and Chemistry] --» Mathematics, Biology [Botany and Zoology]. --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently Note: To Purchase Engineering/Medical Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India Price Inside India Rs 700/- INR Note: To Purchase Engineering/Medical Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1500/- INR For more details BE / MBBS Entrance Exam Preparation CD
No Drinking Water in 6,000 Schools in Tamil Nadu
Chennai: About 6,103 schools across the state still lack access to safe drinking water. This information was given by Minister for School Education Thangam Thennarasu during the inauguration of ‘Elixir of Life’ project, a joint venture of Coca-Cola India Inc and Rotary International, at the Social service League Primary School in the city on Monday. Specifically more than 50 percent of the state’s higher secondary school needed safe drinking water, he explained, emphasizing the importance of the same water-borne diseases were the major source of illness for school-going children across the state. For More Details
No Drinking Water in 6,000 Schools in Tamil Nadu
CBI begins probe into Question Paper leak case
Chennai: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has begun its probe into the leakage of question paper for the examination to select police constables held in 2005. The agency has so far examined 20 persons. While one round of examination of witness has been completed in Madurai district, a similar exercise will be undertaken in other districts wherever necessary, a CBI source has said. For More Details CBI begins probe into Question Paper leak case
Andhra Pradesh Government rejects Opposition Plea
Opposition flays denial of hall-tickets to over 8000 students Hyderabad: The Andhra Pradesh Government has rejected the demand of opposition for issue of hall tickets to Intermediate students who could not take their ongoing examinations for want of attendance. The entire Opposition was up in arms against the Government after Higher Education Minister P.Venkateswara Rao made a statement in the Assembly on Monday, refusing to allow candidates to take the exams if they had attendance below 60 percent. For More Details Andhra Pradesh Government rejects Opposition Plea
Six more AIIMS Institutes by 2010
New Delhi: Work is on in full swing to set up six institutes modeled on AIIMS, in Jodhpur, Bhubaneshwar, Bhopal, Raipur, Patna and Rishikesh. Construction work on these institutes will start this year and is expected to complete by 2010. A sum of about 330 crore has been allocated for each institute, to come up in a 100 – acre plot. Water and power consultants have been roped in for carrying out pre-construction surveys and the process of getting environment impact assessment (IHA) clearance has already begun. For More Details Six more AIIMS Institutes by 2010
Visvesvaratya Technical University Online Examination System
Coimbatore: The system of conducting examinations through online will be introduced in the country shortly, said K.Balaveera Reddy, vice-Chancellor of Visvesvaratya Technical University. Delivering graduation day address at Kumaraguru College of Technology here on Sunday, chief guest Balavera Reddy urged for more funds for education and remarked that education decided the destiny of nation. He also said that the education system should be redesigned so as to accelerate the economic development of the country. For More Details Visvesvaratya Technical University Online Examination System
Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences
Panjagutta, Hyderabad – 500 082, Andhra Pradesh Convocation Notification The 4th Convocation of the Nizam`s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad for conferring Degrees on successful candidates is proposed to be held on Sunday, the April 1st, 2007. All candidates who have been declared eligible for the award of various Degrees on or before 28th February, 2007 may apply in the prescribed form to obtain their Degrees either “In Person” or ‘In absentia’ at the time of Convocation. For More Details Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences
Higher Secondary Board Examination 2007
5, 52,831 students take Plus 2 exam Chennai: Amidst strict supervision, the Higher Secondary Board Examination began on Thursday with a total of 5, 52, 831 students from the state appearing for it. Students, who wrote the Languages Paper I, were delighted that it was very simple. Most students, however, expressed concern about core papers like mathematics biology, physics and chemistry, especially with the State Government’s decision to scrap the Common Entrance Test (CET) this year. For More Details Higher Secondary Board Examination 2007
Central Board of Secondary Education
Shiksha Sadan, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110 002 A Public Notice was issued by the Board for admission in B.Arch / B. Planning course for the year 2007. As per the approval granted by M.H.R.D., Govt. of India, the qualifications for having passed any of the optional subject i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Biology, Engineering Drawing is a quashed and essential qualification for eligibility for admission in B.Arch. B. Planning course will be as under:-
For More Details Central Board of Secondary Education
Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination 2007
Joint Entrance Examination 2007 (JEE – 2007) OBC Reservation: Central Government vide The Gazette of India dated 4th Jan. 2007 has notified reservation for OBC candidates for admission to Central Educational Institutes. JEE 2007 will provide reservation for OBC candidates for the academic year 2007-08 with relaxed norms. Details are given on all IIT web sites. For More Details Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination 2007
Government of Karnataka
Common Entrance Test Cell Bangalore For the attention of Horanadu Kannadiga Candidates As per the CET 2006 amendment rules, Rule 2(m) was as amended “Father of the Candidates should been born in Karnataka and mother tongue of both father and candidates should be Kannada. Tulu or Kodava. The candidates should have passed the qualifying examination from an University of Board or any other institution located outside Karnataka and should be residing outside the State of Karnataka as on 1st July 2007”.
For More Details Government of Karnataka
Plus–2 Students Take Final Test
Coimbatore, Feb 28: After months of training, Plus-two students step into the examination halls today. The school here has adopted different strategies to prepare the students face the final test. A school in R S Puram had offered personality development courses to its students. “The students need a break from the monotony of examinations and studies. In plus two, they face pressure from all sides and we believe that personality development courses motivate and prepare them better,” principal of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (BVB) Kumidhini Periyasamy. Experts from HR companies too addressed the students.
For More Details Plus–2 Students Take Final Test
Reservation is a means to integrate a disintegrated society
New Delhi: The Centre on Tuesday justified in the Supreme Court the Central Educational Institutions (Reservations in Admission) Act, 2006 providing for 27 percent reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in higher education institutions, including seven Indian Institutes of Technology. For More Details Reservation is a means to integrate a disintegrated society
Changes in Plus-Two Exams
Villupuram: Two change have been made for the Plus-Two examinations scheduled from March 1 to 21. One of the ratio minimum marks to be scored in the theory and practical examinations for a pass. The other is the invigilation set-up, particularly for core subjects whose aggregate is important for admission to professional courses.
For More Details Changes in Plus-Two Exams
27 pc quota to National Entrance Exam Sought
Chennai: Chief Minister M Karunanidhi on Wednesday urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Union Minister for Health Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss to extend the 27 percent reservation to all-India level entrance examinations for the under graduate and post graduate medical course. The Chief Minister, in his letter to the Prime Minister and the Union Health Minister, said the 27 percent reservation was likely to benefit only a small number of OBC students considering the less number of seats available in the apex institutions.
For More Details 27 pc quota to National Entrance Exam Sought
Green Olympiad is Here Again
India’s first international contest on the environment for school children Green Olympiad also gives you an opportunity to participate in India’s first televised environment quiz programme: TerraQuiz 13 episodes of exciting quiz Register for Green Olympiad 2007, the qualifying examination for TerraQuiz Contact TERI: Last date of registration: 31 July 2007 Date of examination: 15 September 2007 For More Details Green Olympiad is Here Again
