BE / MBBS Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Question Bank Software CD for Engineering / Medical entrance exam-preparing students. Containing more than 14,500 questions with answers. Covering the subjects Physical Science [Physics and Chemistry], Mathematics, Biology [Botany and Zoology]. The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, includes previous year papers and commonly asked important questions. Suitable for All the Common Engineering and Medical Entrance Exams in India Topics Covered --» Physical Science [Physics and Chemistry] --» Mathematics, Biology [Botany and Zoology]. --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently Note: To Purchase Engineering/Medical Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India Price Inside India Rs 700/- INR Note: To Purchase Engineering/Medical Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1500/- INR For more details BE / MBBS Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Social Networking Websites a New Fad
Many of us must have heard girl from Mumbai who died in shooting at Virginia Tech. However, what we may not have heard about is the phenomenal swell of goodwill messages and prayers that she has recived on her ID on a social networking website - ''. Though the permise may be sad indeed, this is testimonial to the fact that there has been a surge in the usage of such websites. The concept in itself is quite innovative. A social networking website is a virtual space where a user can create a profile and build a personal network that connects him to other users. They are a one-stop-shop for every kind of networking requirements. Right from making your own link containing personal information, to message boards, forums, communities, to others testimonials about you these websites offer it all and much more at a single place. For More Details Social Networking Websites a New Fad
National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resource (NISCAIR)
Research Intern Awards: Under “CSIR Diamond Jubilee Research Intern Awards” Scheme. Applications are invited for 22 (twenty-two) Research Intern Awards from Indian nationals, who are creative, have passion and desire to pursue S&T as a career. CSIR Diamond Jubilee Research Awards Scheme is meant to be a preparatory phase for young Interns imbibing the spirit of enquiry and learning the tools and techniques of research through participation and doing. The scheme thus seeks for young interns to gain from the knowledge and experience of accomplished scientists by working with them, and to take up S&T as a career. For More Details National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resource (NISCAIR)
Medical College will Ensure Quality Medicare
Dharmapuri: The State Government in the Budget announced that the backward district of Dharmapuri would have a medical college. The announcement has given a ray of hope to the district which has poor health indices compared to those in other districts. The district has the highest infant the maternal mortality rates in the State. Cases of female infanticide and foeticide are also high here. The 400- bed district headquarters hospital centers to 1,750 and 2,000 outpatients every day and has 350 inpatients on an average. But it does not have enough infrastructure and manpower. For More Details Medical College will Ensure Quality Medicare
Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy
Chennai – 600 106 M.D. (M.d. Siddha) Course 2007-2008 Applications are invited from General, special Category including Foreign Candidates from Countries Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore for admission to 80 seats in the three yeas M.D. (Siddha) Post-Graduate Course 2007-2008 session in the Government Siddha Medical College at Palayamkottai Thirunelveli District and Chennai. The Medical college at Palayam Kottai offer 60 seats each divided in all six branches of Siddha Medicine: Maruthuvam, Gunapadam, Sirappu Maruthuva, Muzhandai Maruthuvam, Noi Nadal and Nanju Noolum and Maruthuva Neethi Noolum. For More Details Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy
Indian Institutes of Management - IIM Put on hold Admission Lists
Action follows stern directive from Ministry New Delhi: The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) will defer the release of their admission list till further directions from the Union Human Resource Development Ministry asked all Central educational institutions to keep the lists on hold in view of the Supreme Court stay on 27 per cent reservation for Other Backward Classes. Though they announced last week that they would not be able to defer the release of the lists beyond April 21, the IIMS on Friday decided to fall in line after receiving a strongly worded missive from the Ministry late on Thursday. For More Details Indian Institutes of Management - IIM Put on hold Admission Lists
Fee Structure for Pvt Medical Colleges
Puducherry: The Fee Committee has fixed the fee structure for various private medical colleges in the Union Territory for a period of three years, said Minister for Health E.Valsaraj Replying to a question from RKR. Anantharaman during the question hour, in the Assembly, he said, while Rs.1,75, 000 has been fixed as fee for the Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science, Rs.1,50,000 has been fixed for the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Manakula Vinayaka Medical College and Hospital and Sri Lakshminarayana Medical College and Research Institute. For More Details Fee Structure for Pvt Medical Colleges
Tamil Nadu Agri University Starts Admission
Coimbatore: The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) will offer the following certificate courses in Open and Distance Learning modes from July, 2007, onwards. The courses are bee keeping, mushroom production, waste recycling and vermin-composting, sugar cane production technology, coconut cultivation, cutton cultivation, vegetable seed production, hyprid seed production in cotton and maize, wasteland development, repair and maintenance of farm equipment and machineries, preservation of fruits and vegetables, nursery techniques and propagation of horticultural plants, gardening and landscaping, medicinal plants, bakery and confectionery products and modern irrigation management. For More Details Tamil Nadu Agri University Starts Admission
26 Refugee Students Clear ‘O’ Level Exam
Chennai: As many as 26 of the 99 Sri Lankan refugee students, who undertook the ‘O’ level examination in the city a few months ago, have passed and qualified for the months ago, have passed and qualified for the next level - - the ‘A’ level. Over 150 had applied and 99 mustered the courage to appear for the courage to appear for the difficult examination. The ‘O’ level examination is the equivalent of the Class Ten examination in India, but many students refugees were older than the average Class Ten Student. Frequent disruptions because of the fighting between the LTTE and Sri Lankan force meant that examinations were routinely postponed. For More Details 26 Refugee Students Clear ‘O’ Level Exam
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Service Commission examination for recruitment to various posts including Village Administrative Officers for which the examination is to be held on 10.06.2007 F.N. Selection for the post of Village Administrative Officer will be made purely on the basis of the marks obtained by candidates at the written examination, district option (for Village Administrative Officer) exercised by the candidates and by following the rule of reservation of appointments. For More Details Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Physical Education will be Part of School Curriculum
“PE teachers will be allowed to head high schools” Bangalore: Playgrounds will no longer be a place for aimless leisure for students. Physical education (PE), not taken seriously by most schools, will shortly become part of the curriculum from primary to pre-university classes. PE Teachers in high schools will be placed on a par with other teachers and they can head those schools on a seniority basis. These recommendations of the L.R. Vaidyanathan Committee constituted by the Karnataka Government are all set to become a part of the education policy. Minister for Primary and Secondary Education Basavaraj Horatti said here on Tuesday that PE Hitherto was being imparted only for namesake. There had been no specific policy on PE, let alone on education itself For More Details Physical Education will be Part of School Curriculum
Five Institutions get Minority Status in Kerala
Commission pulls up Government for delaying matter New Delhi: The National Commission for Ministry Educational Institutions (NCMEI) on Wednesday granted minority status to five educational institutions under the Pushpagiri Medical Society; ending an eight-year-old wait that began in February 1999. With this the number of professional colleges having minority status in Kerala has gone up to 11. For More Details Five Institutions get Minority Status in Kerala
Centralized Admission Committee (CENTAC) Joint Entrance Test 2007 (JET 2007)
Joint Entrance Test 2007 (JET 2007) and Admission to - B.Tech
- B.D.S
- B.V.Sc. & A.H
- B.Sc. (Agri)
- B.Pharm
- B.Sc (Nursing)
- B.P.T
- B.Sc. (MLT)
- M.B.B.S
- LL.B. Degree Courses
Applications are invited from the candidates seeking admission to the first year of the professional degree courses mentioned above for the academic year 2007-2008. Candidates seeking admission to the degree courses coming under CENTAC should appear in the Joint Entrance Test – 2007 (JET-2007) which is to be conducted on 30th and 31st May 2007. JET –2007 will be conducted in various centres in Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe and Yanem. For More Details Centralized Admission Committee (CENTAC) Joint Entrance Test 2007 (JET 2007)
Awards for 7 Women Scientists
Chennai: Seven women technologists and scientists will be honoured by State Government on Thursday with the Young Women Scientist Award for the year 2006. The awards, which are given through the Science City, are in recognition of significant research and academic activities. Reputed academician M. Anandakrishnan chairs the executive committee of the Science City. For More Details Awards for 7 Women Scientists
Annamalai University
Register of Graduates Revision as on 31.07.2007 The Register of Graduates of the Annamalai University is being revised as per Statute 5 to 7 Chapter VII of the Laws of the University as on 31.07.2007. The Graduates of the Annamalai University whose names were on the Register of Graduates as revised on 31st July, 2004 and who are ordinarily the residents within the Tamil Nadu State and the Union Territory of Pondicherry and who apply for renewal in the prescribed form shall pay a fee of Rs.10/- and Fresh Registration Fee of Rs.50/- in favour of the Registrar, Annamalai University by a Bank Draft payable at Annamalainagar or by remittance in the University Cash Counter. The names of those who do not apply for renewal shall be deleted from the Register. For More Details Annamalai University
All India Council for Technical Education
Instructions to Technical Institutions, Universities including Deemed to the Universities imparting Technical Education regarding matters concerning charging of fees, refund of fees and other student related issues. All India for Technical Education (AICTE) has been empowered interalia under section 10(n) of AICTE Act to “Take all necessary steps to prevent commercialization of technical education”. In compliance with the provisions under AICTE Act and in the light of directions of Govt. of India issued under section 20 (1) of AICTE Act vide Letter No.(U.1 (A) Section), it has been decided to issue instructions to the Technical Institutions, Universities including Deemed to be Universities imparting Technical Education in the matters concerning students. For More Details All India Council for Technical Education
Description Question Bank Software CD for TNPCEE entrance exam-preparing students. Containing more than 10,000 questions. Covering subjects Physical Science [Physics and Chemistry], Mathematics, Biology [Botany and Zoology] The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals. Chapter / Unit Order Question. The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, which includes, previous year questions and answers. Topics Covered --» Physical Science [Physics and Chemistry] --» Mathematics --» Biology [Botany and Zoology] --» Updated April 2006. - Based on New Syllabus --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently. Note: To Purchase TNPCEE Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India PriceInside India Rs.399/-Only Note: To Purchase TNPCEE Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1500/- INR For More Details TNPCEE ENTRANCE Question Bank CD
University to Start 13 New MBA Courses
Spot Admission Centre, School of Education City Centre to be opened today Coimbatore: The Bharathiar University would introduce 13 new MBA courses like marketing and retail management through distance education, said Vice-Chancellor G Thiruvasagam here on Friday. Briefing reporters on the City Centre and Spot Admission Centre, to be inaugurated in the university on Saturday, he said another new system to be introduced is that there won’t be any entrance exam for MCA and MBA. For More Details University to Start 13 New MBA Courses
16 Residential Schools Planned for Girls
Chennai: Sixteen residential schools will be set up for out-of-school girl students in the age group 11-14 during the academic year beginning this June. They will be established under the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhyalaya component of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, a senior official told The Hindu. The center has sanctioned Rs.5.82 crore for the project, which is expected to take shape during 2007-08. Initial allocation of Rs.1.5 crore has been released. At present, 37 such schools function in areas identified by the School Education Department as educationally backward blocks. For More Details 16 Residential Schools Planned for Girls
Kerala Tops in Elementary Education
New Delhi: Kerala has emerged the top performing State and Bihar is in the last spot in an official survey on elementary education in the country in 2005-06. The District Information System for Education (DISE) data, complied by government think tank National University for Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), took access, infrastructure, teacher and outcome indicators into account to compute the Educational Development Index (EDI). Covering 11,24,033 schools in 35 States and Union Territories, the report, released here on Monday, shows that as per composite primary and upper primary EDI, Kerala, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Himachal Pradesh are the top five, while Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh And Assam are the five bottom – ranked States For More Details Kerala Tops in Elementary Education
Indian Institute of Technology - IIT Roorkee
Research Awards for the Year 2007 IIT, Roorkee invites the Applications/Nominations/Self-Nominations for the following Research Awards for the year 2007. - A.S. Arya – IITR Disaster Prevention Award.
- Mahesh Varma Construct ion Research Award.
- Khosla National Award
- V.N.M.M Award
- Shamsher Prakash Research Award
For More Details Indian Institute of Technology - IIT Roorkee
Disclose Cut-Off Marks, Court Tells Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Tuesday directed the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to disclose the cut-off marks in the 2006 preliminary civil services examinations and also the model answer papers to candidates. Upholding a Central Information Commission (CIC) order, Justice B.D. Ahmed said the disclosure “cannot harm the interest of the UPSC or any third party.” The CIC approach was in the “correct perspective.” The UPSC had submitted that if information on the marks of the candidates was given, there was district possibility of coaching institutes misusing it, and this would harm the interest of meritorious students. Also, its scaling system was very sensitive and so could not be revealed in an open court, the UPSC said. For More Details Disclose Cut-Off Marks, Court Tells Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Air Force, Army Recruitment Rally
A test will be held from April 28 to May 4 Coimbatore: Indian Air force has invited applications from candidates from Tamil Nadu and Puducherry for post of airman in Group Y and X (technical) trades. A test will be held at the Main Guard Room, Air Force Station, Avadi in Chennai from April 28 to May 4. The test will be from 7 a.m. and candidates will be allowed to report only up to 10 a.m. Eligibility: Candidates from Salem, Namakkal, Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri could take the test, physical fitness, interview and medical examination on April 28 and 29. Candidates from Coimbatore, the Nilgiris and Erode could take the test same on April 30 and May 1. For More Details Air Force, Army Recruitment Rally
Aided Schools come under Right to Information - RTI Act, rules Madras High Court
Chennai: An aided, private and recognized school receiving substantial State funds is a non-governmental State funds is a non-governmental organization coming under the purview of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, the Madras High Court has ruled. Dismissing a write petition filled by an aided school, claiming that it fell neither under the State Act, and hence a circular calling upon it to furnish certain information should be quashed, Justice K. Chandru said: “The contentions raised by the school are misconceived and have to fail miserably. It is too late in fail miserably. It is too late in the day to hold that the RTI Act 2005 will not apply to the petitioner-school, which is a non-governmental organization substantially funded by the State. The petitioner-school has no prejudice by furnishing information sought by the respondent or any other citizen in the future.” Diamond Jubilee Higher Secondary School at a Cutcherimedu in Gobichettipalayam in Erode district has 2,374 students on its rolls. For More Details Aided Schools come under Right to Information - RTI Act, rules Madras High Court
University to Start 5-year Programme
Tiruchi: Bharathidasan University plans to start a five-year Integrated degree programme from the coming academic year for admitting talented 10th passed students. The university will provide the students a monthly scholarship of Rs.5, 000. The Standing Committee on Academic Affairs, in its Friday meeting, approved the unique programme leading to B. Sc. (Hons.) in Integrated Science. The Vice-Chancellor, C. Thangamuthu, said that the university would pay the special science scholarship to students with funds mobilized from the Department of Science and Technology industries, besides its own. For More Details University to Start 5-year Programme
Teachers of Self - Financing Institutions Seek Grants
Madurai: Disparities in status and service conditions of teachers working in self-financing colleges and handling self-financing courses has created an “academic tensinon,” according to S.Perter Alphonse, Member of the Legislative Assembly. Addressing the State Convention of the Joint Action Council of college teachers in Tamil Nadu here on Sunday, Mr.Alphonse said recognizing the significance of higher education, the Centre had levied one per cent cess while the State Government had created an exclusive department for higher education. For More Details Teachers of Self - Financing Institutions Seek Grants
Placement Record up in Engineering Colleges
Salem: The campus placement record of engineering colleges in Salem Namakkal districts has witnessed a significant rise during the academic year 2006-07. Placement officers put this increase between 20 and 30 percent. A large number of students have found plum jobs, mostly in the Information Technology sector. The Government Engineering College has achieved 83.50 per cent campus placement this year. It was 75.6 percent last year. “Out of 303 outgoing students this year, 253 have already got job offers,” college Principal A. Ebenezer Jeyakumar says. A majority of them were recruited by the two IT majors, Tata Consultancy Services (84) and Cognizant (55). “In Sona College of Technology (SCT), 298 students received the offers this academic year, as against the 2005-06 record of 200. The increase is mainly due to the intensive training of students in soft skills and rise in the career awareness among them,” observes SCT’s Placement and Training wing head, Aa. Sevukamoorthy. For More Details Placement Record up in Engineering Colleges
First City Center of Bharathiar University Inaugurated
Coimbatore: Very few would have been as lucky as A. Chithra, a graduate from Seeranaickenpalayam. Her admission to the Master of Computer Applications course in the distance education mode of Bharathiar University here on Saturday got done in a jiffy, that too not at the university. It did not involve her travelling the long distance to the university. It did not involve waiting in a queue for collecting the application and pay fees. All that Chithra had to do was walk into the just-then-inaugurated city center and spot admission center of Bharathiar University situated at CSI Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science on Race Course, collect the application form, cross the application form, cross the road to pay the fees in the State Bank of India, collect the challan and submit it along with filled in application. This procedure will application to all candidates who wish to pursue any course of the university under the distance education mode. The new city center at the college is the first of its kind for the university. Minister for Rural Industries Pongalur N. Palanisamy inaugurated the center and Vice-Chancellor of Avinashilingam University Saroja Prabhakaran made the first admission in the presence of G.Thiruvasagam, Vice-Chancellor of Bharathiar University, P. Thirumalvalavan, Registrar and syndicate members of the university. For More Details First City Center of Bharathiar University Inaugurated
Annamalai University to set up Language Laboratory
Cuddalore: Vice-Chancellor L.B.Venkatrangan has sanctioned Rs.25 lakh for setting up a language laboratory in Annamalai University. He has made this announcement in a seminar-cum-workshop on “Communication Strategy and Literature” held at the Senate Hall under the aegis of the English department. Mr.Vekatrangan said that a media centre had already been established here. The proposed lab would help improve the communication skills of students. The Vice-Chancellor released three books entitled “Comparative literature: Problem and Prospects,” an anthology of critical literary essays, “Voice,” a research journal brought out by the English department and “abstracts” of the seminar papers. For More Details Annamalai University to set up Language Laboratory
Test of Non Verbal Reasoning Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Description Question Bank Software CD for Test of Non-Verbal Reasoning. A highly useful collection of more than 1100 reasoning figures with detailed answers.Covering subjects: Analogy :It is the establishment of similarity in certain aspects, properties and relations between apparently dissimilar objects. By way of analogy one arrives at conclusions on the basis of similarities. Classification :Classification is a particular case of applying division of concepts representing a certain sum total of divisions (division of concepts into species). Eg. In libraries books are classified under general heads such as political science, maths, english literature, astronomy etc. Series :By series we mean the general principle of progression or retrogression. Often we are asked to complete the series in the examinations. The idea is that we should have an idea of logical progression or succession. The questions are collected from previous years examination papers. Answers with Explanatory Steps. Suitable for all the professional course entrance exams and career entrance exams in India. Topics Covered Analogy : --» It is the establishment of similarity in certain aspects, properties and relations between apparently dissimilar objects. By way of analogy one arrives at conclusions on the basis of similarities. Note: To Purchase Test of Reasoning Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India PriceInside India Rs.399/-Only Note: To Purchase Test of Reasoning Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1500/- INR For More Details Test of Non Verbal Reasoning Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Association of Management of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges
Medical Common Entrance Test (AssoCET 2007) - Rescheduled 15th May 07 (2 PM to 5 PM) Common Entrance test for admission in Private Medical and Dental Colleges of Maharashtra was scheduled on 6th May 2007. However CET for Armed Forces Colleges of Karnataka fall on the same day i.e. 6th May 2007 For More Details Association of Management of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges
Indian Institutes of Management Defer Admissions
IIMs Defer Admissions List Till April 21 Ahmedabad: All the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) have decided to defer the publication of the final admissions list to their two year post-graduate management programme from Thursday till April 21 in deference to the wishes of the Union Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry. Speaking on behalf of the six IIMs, Bakul Dholakia, Director, IIM-Ahmedabad, said, “This is the maximum stretch we can give to the Government without disrupting the beginning of the next academic year.” If no further communication was received from the Ministry of the Supreme Court’s stay on the implementation of the OBC reservation of the OBC reservation quota was not vacated till April 21, they would go a head with admissions “as per the last year’s capacity” without implementing the OBC reservation and increasing their intake. For More Details Indian Institutes of Management Defer Admissions
High Court Puts Check on School Admissions
Chennai: The Madras High Court on Wednesday restrained some CBSE schools in the city from admitting new students to standard XI for academic year 2007-08 without first admitting students of class X of their own schools to the XI standard. First Bench, headed by Chief Justice A P shah, which granted the Interim injunction on a write petition from ‘Concerned Citizens Committee,’ also ordered issuance of notices to Human Resources Development Ministry, CBSE secretary and CBSE joint secretary – southern region, returnable by April 18 For More Details High Court Puts Check on School Admissions
Abolition of Common Entrance Test - CET Justified, Government Tells Court
Professional Educational Institution Act not at odds with Central regulations Chennai: Rejecting the argument that the Common Entrance Test was the only tool for uniform evaluation of students, the Tamil Nadu Government told the Madras High Court on Tuesday that normalization of marks was a credible alternative Justifying the abolition of the test for professional course admissions and the introduction of normalization scheme, Advocate-General R. Viduthalai argued that if emphasis was laid on the uniform evaluation, that Tamil Nadu Admission in Professional Educational Institutions Act 2006 was a valid enactment. For More Details Abolition of Common Entrance Test - CET Justified, Government Tells Court
SSB Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Question Bank Software CD for SSB Interviews and Psycho-Intelligence Tests [ SSB ] preparing students. Suitable for All types of commission through: NDA, IMA, OTA, AFA, Naval Academy, NCC Entry, UES (University Entry Scheme), WSES (Women Special Entry Scheme), ACC (Army Cadet College), Special Branch Commission, Commission in Territorial Army and 10+2 Technical Entry (In Army and Navy). [Image] [Image] Topics Covered --» Screening Test --» Intelligence Tests VERBAL --» Verbal Analogies Tests --» Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests --» Word Association Test (WAT) --» Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) Picture - Story --» Test of Personality Situation Reaction Test (SRT) --» GTO Tasks / Group Planning and Individual Tasks Explained with Pictures --» Interview Tips --» PIQ - Form (Tips for filling] --» Army, Navy, Air Force Rank Quiz --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently. Note: To Purchase SSB Interviews and Psycho Intelligence Tests Question Bank Software CD Inside India Price Inside India Rs.399/-Only Note: To Purchase SSB Interviews and Psycho Intelligence Tests Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1500/- INR For More Details SSB Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association
Counseling for PG Medical & Dental Courses for the Year 2007 - 2008 Karnataka Religious and Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association will conduct counselling for admission to PG Medical and Dental Courses for the academic year 2007 - 2008 on 15th April, 2007
For More Details Karnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University to Become Nation’s First E-varsity
Indian Council of Agricultural Research has recognized this mammoth endeavour. The three-year effort of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University to shift from the conventional method of teaching to e-learning has borne rich dividends. The university will adopt the e-learning classroom teaching system from 2007-*08, said to be the first of its kind in the country. The university has systematically developed e-content over the last three years for nearly 600 undergraduate courses, 29 postgraduate courses and 23 doctoral programmes. The highlight of the content development is that it has been the sole effort of the faculty of the university, without the aid of any outsourcing agency or consultancy. For More Details Tamil Nadu Agricultural University to Become Nation’s First E-varsity
Students Told to Look Beyond Textbook Knowledge
Coimbatore: Look beyond textbook knowledge, advised G.J. Samathanam, Advisor, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, to students her on Monday. He was delivering the ninth graduation day address at the Karpagam Arts and Science College (Autonomous). The teachers should make the students understand the relevance of knowledge. Mere textbook knowledge is not enough. The teachers should involve themselves in various projects and take students as their projects assistants. This would help the students to develop their knowledge and become future leaders,” he said. Concentrate on one particular subject and develop your aptitude in it. You will achieve success in life,” he added. For More Details Students Told to Look Beyond Textbook Knowledge
Report on Single Stream Education Soon
Chennai: The high-level committee constituted to provide a uniform standard of education in the State will submit its recommendations soon, School Education Minister Thangam Thennarasu informed the Assembly on Monday. The committee had a six-month timeframe. The Government had constituted the committee with former Bharathidasan University Vice-Chancellor Muthukumaran as chairman to introduce a uniform standard of education (‘samacheer kalvi’) up to Class X. For More Details Report on Single Stream Education Soon
Central Board of Secondary Education
The Admit Cards of all candidates who had applied for AIEEE – 2007 have been dispatched thorough post (UPC). Admit Card can also be downloaded form Website. The candidates are also advised to verify their particulars on the Admit Card. In case, there is any verification in the particulars, the same may be intimated to the Board’s Office through any of the following modes latest by 15.04.2007 For More Details Central Board of Secondary Education
Avinashilingam Inks MoU with Korean Varsity
Coimbatore: Avinashilingam University for Women has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with KyungHee University, South Korea for student exchange and collaborative research and also for training programmes in medicinal plants and secondary metabolites. Informing this during her speech at the thanks giving day celebrations organized at the university, Vice – Chancellor Dr.Saroja Prabhakaran said the varsity also inked MoUs with Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Turst, Bangalore (to facilitate research, training and extension activities in science, technology and management) and John Wiley’s Pvt Ltd, Singapore to offer MCA, MBA, M.Sc (Computer Science) , (BE (IT and Computer Science) through online. For More Details Avinashilingam Inks MoU with Korean Varsity
National Insurance presents Vidyarthi Mediclaim for Students
National Insurance Company Limited This is a new policy designed for students in registered Educational Institution within India – to provide financial protection towards their Hospitalisation and continuation of studies in case of death / disablement to take group policy covering named students enrolled with them. Policy Highlights Policy Coverage – The policy has been divided into 3 sections, to cover – Hospitalisation expenses of the student, Personal Accident (death / Permanent, Total Disablement) of the Parent / Legal Guardian of the insured student and also Personal Accident of the student. For More Details National Insurance presents Vidyarthi Mediclaim for Students
Students find IIT-JEE Paper Tough
Over 2.5 Lakh Students Appear Bangalore: For students appearing in the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE 2007), it was a tough paper, as expected. About 2.52 lakh students took IIT-JEE 2007 across the country on Sunday. This entrance test was for 4,600 seats in the seven IITs. Preetesh Kumar Pradhan, a 12th standard student of Kendriya Vidyalaya, NAL., who spoke The Hindu during the lunch break, said the first paper was very tough. “I did not go to any coaching centre. I just prepared for the examination with the CBSE syllabus. I knew the entrance test would be tough, and I was prepared,” he said. For More Details Students find IIT-JEE Paper Tough
Less Taxing Indian Institute of Technology - Joint Entrance Examination Pattern
Drop in Number of Students Appearing for the Examination Chennai: About 6,000 students took the Indian Institute of Technology-Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE) in 12 centres across the city on Sunday. A total of 2.5 lakh students appeared for the examination all over the country The year’s examination pattern was different from pattern was different from last year’s which had papers in mathematics, physics and chemistry for two hours each. Sunday’s examination was conducted over two hours each, with a two-hour break in between. Students attempt two objective-type question papers, both with section in mathematics, physics and chemistry. The three subjects were allotted 81 marks each. For More Details Less Taxing Indian Institute of Technology - Joint Entrance Examination Pattern
University of Tasmania invites students
The University of Tasmania (UTAS), the 120-year old university run by the Australian Government, is looking to enroll Indian students. UTAS has announced a new two-year Management Programme, MBA with accounting specially designed for fresh graduates looking for career in accounting. The university has been consistently ranked among the top 10 Australian universities for research and has been given a five-star rating for research grants and intensity by The Australian Good Universities Guide 2006, a press release said. For More Details University of Tasmania invites students
National School of Drama
Three year Diploma in Dramatic Arts (2007-2010) Admission Notice Extension of Date The course starting from July 2007 aims at development of theatre personalities by imparting training in acting, design and other disciplines related to theatre personalities by imparting training in acting, design and other disciplines related to theatre. The School has introduced a centre in Guwahati for the North East Region’s candidates and extended dates as under For More Details National School of Drama
Indira Gandhi National Open University - IGNOU ties up with Foreign Universities
The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has tied up with universities in other countries in other countries for offering different programmes. Tie-up has been done with international partner Institutions in Nepal for Health Sciences and Management Programmes, Sri Lanka for MBA, Graduates and PostGraduate Programmes, Afghanistan for undergraduate programmes and Ethiopia for management and postgraduate programmes, a release in New Delhi said. For More Details Indira Gandhi National Open University - IGNOU ties up with Foreign Universities
AU’s exclusive B.Tech for B.Sc. graduates
Coimbatore: The Anna University, Coimbatore will offer exclusive BE and B.Tech programmes in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Computer Science (CS) and Information Technology (IT) for B.Sc. graduates with a background in Mathematics this year. This was stated by its Vice-Chancellor Prof D Radhakrishnan during his convocation address at Maharaja Arts and Science College here on Sunday. “Such new courses will benefit the students,” the V-C said and added that the courses would be three years. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) had already given the permission to enroll B.Sc. students with mathematics as background in the second year of engineering, which was coming into effect this year. For More Details AU’s exclusive B.Tech for B.Sc. graduates
Aircraft Maintenance Course all set to take off
Kochi: A new model for industry-institution partnership involving the Cochin International Airport and the Cusat is all set to take of from Kerala. Termed as first new initiative will mould talents in aircraft maintenance with a view to tapping the tremendous potential in this sector. The course in aircraft maintenance is being thought of to give students a hand on training in this sophisticated wing suing the proposed maintenance hangar at CIAL, being developed at an investment of Rs.35 crore. At present there is no facility for the students to have the on-the-job training for this course in the country and the proposed course is likely to create hundreds of job opportunities in this sector. CIAL Managing Director Shreeram Bharat told ‘Express’ that the students from India could be trained for the course which is of great demand in other countries. Now maintenance is expertise are from other countries. For More Details Aircraft Maintenance Course all set to take off
Sainik Military School Entrance Exam Question Bank CD
Question Bank Software CD for Sainik/Military School Entrance Exam Preparing Students. Covering the subjects English Language, Mathemetics, Intelligence Test, General knowlegde Question from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Current Affairs. The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, includes previous year papers and commonly asked important questions. Suitable for All the Sainik/Military School 6th Std Entrance Exam in India TOPICS COVERED * English Language * Mathemetics * Intelligence Test * General knowlegde Question from 1. Physics 2. Chemistry 3. Biology 4. History 5. Geography 6. Current Affairs PRICE Rs.299/-Only India For More Details Sainik Military School Entrance Exam Question Bank CD
Tamil University Facing Fund Crunch
Thanjavur: Tamil University, Thanjavur, established in 1981 by the then Chief Minister M G Ramachandran for the advancement of learning and research in Tamil language, literature and culture, is facing severe financial constraint and shortage of staff as the subsequent governments had turned a ‘deaf ear’ to its woes. Through the idea of creating a separate university for Tamil language was mooted as early as 1925 by the then scholars, it took a concrete shape only in 1981, thanks to the initiatives taken by MGR. He announced at the Fifth World Tamil conference at Madurai that a university exclusively to promote high level research in Tamilology would be set up at Thanjavur as the place had been the embodiment of art and culture for centuries together For More Details Tamil University Facing Fund Crunch
SSLC Public Examinations
Department of Government Examinations SSLC Public Examinations March / April – 2007 SSLC Public Examination in the subject Social Science which was scheduled to be held on 05.04.2007 has been postponed, Consequently, the exam in Social Science for SSLC and OSLC scheme will be held on 11.04.2007, Wednesday between 10.00 am and 12.30 pm. For More Details SSLC Public Examinations
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Sub: PG Counselling for admission to Post Graduate Medical & Dental Courses for the academic year 2007 - 08 The counselling for admission to Postgraduate Medical / Dental courses for the academic year 2007-08 is scheduled to be held on the following dates at For More Details Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Professor Becomes Guinness Record Holder
Coimbatore: If one had a doubt as to the possibility of teaching 1,934 students spread over 16 different venues in 10 countries at the same time, then they can lay their doubts to rest. S.Subramonian, Principal of R.V. Arts and Science College, made an attempt at it here in November last. He addressed students of the “Largest Computer Class – Multiple Location” for an hour from the college premises through a dial – up connection. In an attempt to enter the Guinness Book of World Records, Professor Subramonian took an hour – long class for the students to break the previous record created in China with 1.135 students. The Guinness Book of World Records has approved his attempt in January 2007. For More Details Professor Becomes Guinness Record Holder
Abolition of Common Entrance Test
Chennai: The decision to abolish Common Entrance Test (CET) and introduce “normalization” system for admission to professional courses is a “plausible and reasonable” solution, the Government has informed the Madras High Court. Pursuant to the filing of public interest litigation petitions, opposing and supporting the Government decision, Higher Education Secretary K.Ganesan filed a counter affidavit before the First Bench headed by Chief Justice A.P. Shah on Wednesday. The matter, to be heard by another Division Bench headed by Justice Prafulla Kumar Misra, was adjourned to April 10. For More Details Abolition of Common Entrance Test
NDA Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Question Bank Software CD for NDA / NA entrance examination - preparing students. Containing more than 11,500 questions with answers. Covering subjects:GENERAL ENGLISH - Comprehension, Vocabularly Test, English Usage, English Structure, Word Usage, Synonyms & Antonyms GENERAL KNOWLEDGE- History, Freedom Movements etc. , Geography, Current Events, Physics, Chemistry and General Science. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS - Arithmetic, Mensuration , Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, which includes, previous year questions. Answers with Explanatory Steps. Topics Covered GENERAL ENGLISH --» Comprehension, Vocabularly Test, English Usage, English Structure, Word Usage, Synonyms & Antonyms GENERAL KNOWLEDGE --» History, Freedom Movements etc. , Geography, Current Events, Physics, Chemistry and General Science. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS --» Arithmetic, Mensuration , Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently. Note: To Purchase NDA/NA Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India Price Inside India Rs.500/-Only Note: To Purchase NDA / NA Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1500/- INR For More Details NDA Entrance Exam Preparation CD
Union Public Service Commission
National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (I) 2007 The Union Public Service Commission will be conducting the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I) 2007 at 41 centres all over the country on Sunday, the 22nd April 2007. Admission Certificates to the admitted candidates have been dispatched. Similarly, letters of rejection to the applicants who did not comply with various essential conditions of the examination have also been issued. For More Details Union Public Service Commission
New Method to assess Higher Education Institutions
Chennai: The National Assessment and Accreditation Council has introduced a new methodology to assess and accredit institutions of higher education with effect from April 1. It has been designed to provide a more rigorous, provide a more rigorous, credible and speedy process, while overcoming some of the limitations of the old model. The new system introduces a two-step approach for affiliated and constituent colleges, whereby their basic eligibility for quality assessment will first be determined. Only those with this preliminary qualification will be allowed to apply for the full assessment and accreditation process. This move has been taken in view of the large number and widely varying quality levels of institutions in this category. However, Universities, autonomous colleges and colleges with potential for excellence can continue to use the single step format. For More Details New Method to assess Higher Education Institutions
Cut-off Date for Admission to Teacher Training Institutes
State Government directed to issue a compendium of guidelines prescribing the calendar of activities A Government Order stipulating November 30, 2006 as the last date for admission of students in self financing private teacher training institutes (TTIs) for 2006-07 is perfectly justified, the Madras High Court ruled on Tuesday. The court also directed the Government to issue a compendium of guidelines prescribing the calendar of activities of the TTIs. These include the date for commencement of the course, cut-off dates for approval of staff members, admission of students and holding single window admission of students under Government quota, besides the method of recruitment of teaching, administrative and technical staff members. For More Details Cut-off Date for Admission to Teacher Training Institutes
Start Home Science Education in Schools
Home science education should also be started in schools. Thara Chandrika, former professor of Home Science, St. Therasa’s College, Ernakulam, said here recently. At the valedictory of the Home Science Association at Avinashilingam University, she said that nutrition and health education played a major role in enhancing health expectancy of an individual. Home Science was education for living it fostered the physical, social, cultural and spiritual development of the individual, family, community and the nation, she said. The subject focused on the ways to lead a healthy life. In the modern age, labour saving equipment reduced physical activity and this often resulted in obesity. For More Details Start Home Science Education in Schools
Software to Track Schools Dropouts
It will help in ensuring for all, says Krishnagiri Collector Krishnagiri: For the first time in the country, the Krishnagiri district administration has developed a software to track school dropouts Out of school children and child labourers are enrolled in special schools, but they drop out of various reasons. The software will help in identifying their status and the financial position of their families. For More Details Software to Track Schools Dropouts
More Indians Becoming US Citizens
Washington: A new study by the Pew Hispanic Centre said that the rate of legal immigrants from India becoming US citizens has gone up from 56 per cent in 1995 to 65 per cent in 2005. While the number of legal immigrants from all over the world becoming US citizens rose, figures indicated that 1,33,000 Indians in a total eligibility pool of 2,48,000 were in the soon – to – be naturalized category in 2005. Immigrant residents with higher levels of education and better English skills are more likely to naturalise, Passel Jeffrey, the centre’s senior research associate said. “Today’s becoming US citizens,” he said. An additional 8.5 million legal immigrants are eligible to naturalize, but that group is made up of those who are least likely to do so. “They tend to be poorer; they tend to speak English less well and have lower levels of education,” Passel said. For More Details More Indians Becoming US Citizens
Indian Space Research Organisation
Department of Space - Government of India Annual Recruitment of Scientist / Engineer ‘SC’ (Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Science) Notification for the information of all candidates who have registered their applications for the post of Scientist / Engineer – SC For More Details Indian Space Research Organisation
Indian Institute of Maritime Studies
Admission to T.S. Chanakya, Navi Mumbai, - Marine Engineering & Research Institute, Kolkata
- Marine Engineering & Research Institute, Mumbai
Extension of last Date for Sale & Submission of forms The last date for sale of Brochure / Application form and receiving application forms, for admission through the I.I.T. – Joint Entrance Examination 2007 to the 3 – year course leading to B.Sc. (Nautical Science) Degree at T.S.Chanakya, Navi Mumbai, 4 – year Marine. Engineering Degree at Marine Engineering & Research Institute (MERI), Kolkata and 3-year Polyvalent B.Sc. (Maritime Sciences) Degree at Marine Engineering & Research Institute (MERI), Mumbai, for the session commencing in August 2007 has been extended upto 16.04.2007 instead of 31.03.2007. For More Details Indian Institute of Maritime Studies
IIM-A Revises Fee Structure
Scholarship amount will also go up Ahmedabad: The board of governors of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, has decided to increase the fees for the two year Post Graduate Programme in Management by Rs.23, 000 to Rs.2 lakh per annum from the next academic year. For the one-year advanced course for senior-level executives, the first batch of which passed out of the IIMA only this year, the fee structure has been further revised at Rs.14 lakh per annum from the 2008 academic year. For the next academic year, the IIMA has already hiked the fees at Rs.10 lakhs per annum from Rs.8 lakh charged for the first batch students. The board, which met here on Saturday under the newly appointed chairman Vijaypat Singhania, also discussed the Supreme Court’s stay order on the reservation for the Other Backward Classes and decided to go ahead with next year’s admissions without introducing the reservation unless the apex court vacated its stay by April 12 or there were specific instructions from the Union Human Resource Development Ministry by then. For More Details IIM-A Revises Fee Structure
Educationalists Oppose Karnataka Move
“ SIEMAT in private partnership in education dangerous” Bangalore: The proposal to set up the State Institute of Educational Management and Training (SIEMAT) In Karnataka in partnership with Azim Premji Fundation has been opposed by several educationalists and intellectuals, including Jnaipth Award winner U.R. Ananthamurthy and former Planning Commission member L.C. Jain. They termed it a “dangerous” sign of the Government relinquishing the core responsibility of policy framing in the area of education in the name of public-private partnership. Mr. Jain told presspersons that education was a constitutional commitment involving every child’s future and this obligation of the State could not be minimized. He called upon the people to be “absolutely vigilant” about this fundamental right. For More Details Educationalists Oppose Karnataka Move
Confederation of Indian Industry - CII plans vocational school for SC-ST youth at Sriperumbudur
They will also be trained in retail management Chennai: The Confederation of Indian Industry will submit a detailed proposal for setting up a vocational school at Sriperumbudur for scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe youth The decision was taken after a meeting CII Tamil Nadu State Council chairman Global Srinivasan and with P.A. Ramiah, Secretary, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare, here on Friday. It was also agreed that CII would be involved in training SC /ST youth in contact centre skills, retails management and industrial housekeeping. Soft skills training would be conducted for SC students in government hostels. All these are in tune with CIT’s Southern Region theme for 2006-07; ‘competitiveness through innovative, inclusive and sustainable growth with a focus on large-scale employment generation through skills development. For More Details Confederation of Indian Industry - CII plans vocational school for SC-ST youth at Sriperumbudur
Medical Entrance Exam CD
MBBS AIPMT AIIMS AIFMS PMT JET Dental Agri Vetrinary Entrance Examination India Question Bank Software CD for Medical entrance exam preparing students. Containing more than 10,000 questions with answers. Covering the subjects Physical Science [Physics and Chemistry],Biology . The questions prepared by the well experienced professionals, includes previous year papers and commonly asked important questions. Suitable for All the Common Medical Dental Agri Vetrinary Entrance Exams in India Topics Covered --» Physical Science [Physics and Chemistry] --» Biology --» Take Your Entrance Exam with more Confidently. Note: To Purchase Medical Entrance Exam Question Bank Software CD Inside India PriceInside India Rs.499/-Only Note: To Purchase Medical Entrance ExamQuestion Bank Software CD Outside India Rs 1000/- INR For More Details Medical Entrance Exam CD
U.S to increase visas for Indian Students
New Delhi: Concerned over the decrease in the percentage of Indian students going to America for higher studies, the U.S. on Thursday said it had plans to increase the number of visas for them and speed up the visa issuance process. For More Details U.S to increase visas for Indian Students
Two Headmasters, Teacher held for Examination fraud
They were “replacing original answer scripts with new ones” Bangalore: The J.J. Nagar police here have arrested two high school headmasters, both brothers, and a teacher on charges of taking money from students and abetting fraud during the SSLC Examination that concluded on Wednesday. Deputy Commissioner of police (west) K.V. Sharathchandra told The Hindu on Thursday that the three were caught on Wednesday evening while they were allegedly replacing the original answer scripts with fraudulent ones at the government high school in Goripalya. For More Details Two Headmasters, Teacher held for Examination fraud
Fee Exemption Extended to Aided Colleges
Chennai: Providing higher education free of cost in Government-aided colleges, clearing the backlog of jobs for Dalits, evolving consensus on vital issues, taking care not to dilute basic feature of the Constitution and implementing a Rs.29 crore drinking water supply scheme in three drought-hit districts were among the announcements made by Finance Minister K. Anbazhagan in the Assembly on Friday. Replying to the general discussion on the budget, Mr.Anbalazgan said the Government would convene an all party meeting on the issue of reservation for Other Backward Classes in Central educational institution of excellence if the parties favoured such a more. He stressed the need for upholding the “supremacy of the legislature.” United Stand: He welcomed Congress Legislature Party Sudarsanam’s call for a united stand on the Cauvery issue. Care must be taken to ensure that views expressed on inter-State issue did not go against the State’s interests. For More Details Fee Exemption Extended to Aided Colleges
New Admission method for Professional Courses Flayed
Chennai: AIADMK general secretary and former chief minister J.Jayalalithaa on Thursday said the normalization methods to be adopted for admission to professional courses would considerably reduce the share of rural and poor students in the professional courses. Reacting to the budget proposals for 2007 – 08 Jayalalithaa, in a statement here, said the committee that had recommended the method had not understood that the scheme in its present from would only proved to be a remedy which was worse that the disease. For More Details New Admission method for Professional Courses Flayed
IIMs and IITs to go by Centre’s Decision
New Delhi: Putting the ball in the Human Resources (HRD) Ministry’s court, IIMs and IITs said they would go by the directive of the Government on providing 27 per cent reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs).These institutions were reacting to the SC order staying the law extending 27 per cent reservation for OBCs. “Now the Common Admission Test (CAT) group will meet soon and decide regarding the OBC quota on the basis of the communication received” from the HRD Ministry, IIM – Ahmedabad Director Bakul Dholakia told reporters. For More Details IIMs and IITs to go by Centre’s Decision
Order on Christian Medical College (CMC) Admission Process
Chennai: A single judge order upholding the admission process adopted by Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, and the preferential allotment of MBBS seats for wards of CMC employees, has been challenged in the Madras High Court. The First Bench comprising Chief Justice A.P.Shah and Justice D.Murugasen ordered notices to the State Government and the CMC management. For More Details Order on Christian Medical College (CMC) Admission Process
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maximum Duration Fixed in Management Programmes This is for information of all the existing students of Management Programmes of IGNOU indicating MBA (B&F), that the University has fixed the maximum duration for completion of MBA and or Diplomas / PG Diplomas, as the case may be, in the following manner. For More Details Indira Gandhi National Open University
Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management, Gwalior
(For Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western & North Eastern Region) Refer our advertisement published in various newspapers in the first week of March 07 all over the country regarding Regional Level Guide Training Programme. The following points of the earlier advertisement are read as follows. 1. Educational Qualification: (a) Minimum: Graduate of a recognized University, or Three Years Degree holders in Tourism / Hospitality from a recognized university/ Institute, or Diploma in Archaeology from the Institute of Archaeology under the Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi or from any other recognized Institutions / University For More Details Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management, Gwalior
