Rs. 30,000 Crore to be given as Education Loan
Rs. 30,000 Crore to be given as Education Loan
Erode: “The Finance Ministry plans to grant at least Rs. 30,000 crore as education loan to students throughout the country so that more and more will go for higher education,” said the Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram at Kongu Arts and Science College, Nanjanapauram, on Saturday. Mr. Chidambaram was distributing education loan to students.
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Rs. 30,000 Crore to be given as Education Loan
Erode: “The Finance Ministry plans to grant at least Rs. 30,000 crore as education loan to students throughout the country so that more and more will go for higher education,” said the Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram at Kongu Arts and Science College, Nanjanapauram, on Saturday. Mr. Chidambaram was distributing education loan to students.
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Rs. 30,000 Crore to be given as Education Loan