Centre to Modernize 1,396 Industrial Training Institutes
Speaking at the silver jubilee celebrations of M.R.Arunachalam ITI at Severiarpuram near Thirumayam on Sunday, he said three hundred ITIs would be taken up for modernization and development as centres of excellence every year. Each ITI would be taken up for modernization and development as centres of excellence every year. Each ITI would financial assistance upto Rs.2.50 crore and the Centre had allotted Rs.750 crore for the purpose.
While the State governments, as owners of the ITIs, would continue to regulate admissions and the fee structure, their management would be taken care of by industry / private partners.
Mr. Chidambaram, who went around the ITI premises, said skill development of rural youth was the need of the hour for the economic prosperity of the country.
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Centre to Modernize 1,396 Industrial Training Institutes